Page 241 - Collection
P. 241

Scouting Around the World                                                    Norway

The Norwegian Boy Scouts Association 's sixth nation al camp took place in 1932 in
Manda! on the south coast of Norway. The camp motto was " Sun and Sea", and indeed it
matched . 5,3 00 Boy Scouts participated, including guests from many co untri es. The camp
had 12,000 visitors on the Sunday, whi ch is very impress ive, considering that Manda! only
had 4,000 inhab itants in 1932. A field post office operated in the camp 6-13 July, and used
a spec ial postmark (N-003). The postmark shows a small Scout badge at the bottom .

Above: Facsimile from the     • .C'.l
Nonvegian Postal Museum                 "'
showing a 'National Camp
at Manda/ 1932" postmark
with an asterix at bottom,
engraved 6 June (errone-
ous month in postmark).
It was not approved, and in
the I0 Jun e re-engraving
(below) the asterix was sub-
stituted by a small Boy
Scout Badge, probably in
order to visualise that this
was a Boy Scout camp.

                               Cover from " LANDSLEIREN VED MANDAL 1932 13 VII 32"
                              (N-003), written by a Boy Scout in camp and sent to Ljan pr. Oslo.

Postcard from "SVARTISEN 12 VII 32" to the Manda! camp. It arrived
after the camp closed on 13 July, and is postmarked " MANDAL 16 VII 32"
and boxed cachet "Avreist I Parti" (Departed). Return address Lena Station.
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