Page 236 - Collection
P. 236

Scouting Around the World                 Norway

The 1927 Genera l Assembly of the Norwegian Boy Scout Assoc iation a pproved th e Board ' s proposa l that a
specia l "Scout label" wou ld be produced a nd offered for sa le. The labe l was first advertised in their
magazine " Speide ren" No. I0 1927 . Scout Troops cou ld order the labe ls via the Sco ut District, and re-se ll
th ese to th e Scouts or to others and make a profit from the sa le. According to th e in struction s, the labe l
should be affixed on the reverse of covers and o n the left (message) side of postcards.
Labe ls were so ld for 5 ore; half went to the Troop, and o ne fo urth each to the District and the Association.
Apparently it was not a great success, and reminde rs to orde r the Scout labe l were repeated ly printed in
" Speidere n"; for t.he last time in No. 4 1938 - mo re than ten yea rs after it was initially put on sa le.

                                                                                                          'ยท' The 1927 Scout labe l
                                                                                                                   depicts St. George and the
                                                                                                                    dragon, with text " VJER
                                                                                                                   BEREDT" (Be Prepared).

                           I.I~1')u2tr7n   Left: Postcard to Farsund
                                           from " OSLO 23 XII 27",
                           .T JIOr!)C .    with 1927 Chri stmas sea l.

                                          Below: Cover sent from the
                                             Norwegian Boy Scout

                                           Assoc iation , postmarked
                                                "OSLO - I Ill 28",

                                           addressed to J. S. Wil son,
                                           G il we ll Park, Chin gford ,

                                                         U. K.
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