Page 239 - Collection
P. 239

Scouting Around the World  Nonvay

In 193 0, Bergen di stri ct of th e Norwegian Boy Scout Assoc iati on he ld th eir summ er cam p in Etne, located
some l 00 km so uth of Bergen. 434 Boy Scouts parti cipated, inc ludin g Scouts from Swede n and Denmark.
T he fi e ld post offi ce which served th e camp used a spec ial postm ark (N-002) fro m 29 June to l 0 Ju ly.


                      Cover (with conte nt) written by Scout in camp a nd sent to Le irvik, Stord,
                           postmarked (N-002) "SPE IDERLEIREN ETNE 193 0 3 VII 30" .

        S. F.IER0Vlh =BERGEN


                                13. /i-t.4 ยท

Cover from Bergen to camp participa nt. T.P.O. postma rk "HARDANGE R-S0N DH ORDLAND 1- 1 Yll 30" .
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