Page 240 - Collection
P. 240

Scouting Around the World  Norway

In 193 1, the Boy Scouts of the Epworth Liga (M ethodi st Church youth organi sation) held
their third national camp on G leodden near Kri stiansand, in the very south of Norway.
260 Norwegian Boy Scouts partic ipated, plus 3 Scouts from Sweden and 15 from Denmark .

               Camp viewcard , written by Boy Scout in camp and sent to Porsgrunn .
                              Postmarked " KRISTIANSAN D S 10 VII 3 1''.

     Swedi sh Scout Association 's fifth national camp took place in 193 1 at Kull a
     Gunn arstorp near Hiil sin gborg. Several thousand Boy Scouts participated, inc luding
     55 Boy Scouts from Norway. The spec ial postmark was used I0-2 1 July, 193 1.

Camp viewcard sent from the Kull a camp to di stri ct Scout leader Wi lhelm Retz in Stavanger,
 postmarked (S-002) " HALS ING BORG KULLALAG RET 17. 7. 3 1" . Re-directed to Sauda.
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