Page 237 - Collection
P. 237

Scouting Around the World                                                                                                       Norway

Th e Swed ish Boy Scout Assoc iation marked their 15th anni versary with a jubilee camp at the manor
Beatelund, on the island Vlirmdi:i east of Stockholm. Nearly 4,000 Boy Scouts from 15 countries attended
the assoc iati on' s fo urth nationa l camp, including a contingent of 170 Boy Sco uts fro m Norway.
Baden-Powe ll visited the camp and stated in a radio broadcast that it was the best Sco ut camp that he had
seen. The j ubilee camp post office used Sweden' s first offic ial Scout postmark (S-00 I) 8- 19 July, 1927 .

Scout postcards written by Norwegian Boy Scout in camp and sent to Norway.
             Postmarked (S-001 ) "SCOUTLAGRET STOC KHOLM" .

                    BREVKOR T


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