Page 234 - Collection
P. 234

Scouting Around the World                       Norway

Norwegian Boy Scouts Association ' s fo urth national camp took place 7- 16 July 1924 on Storhamar's grou nd
near Hamar, and represented quite a revolution. It was the first large Norwegian Scout camp where the patrol
system was implemented, but not yet to a ful l extent. The Scouts were preparing the food themselves, in groups
of SO, successfu lly! Emphasis was put on development of troop areas, including construction of beautiful portals
and spectacul ar camp faci lities. King Haakon VII visited the camp - and it was the first time the King visited a
national Scout camp. The Hamar camp formed the foundation for the Assoc iation ' s future large camps.

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       Camp viewcard, written by a Boy Scout on hi s way home from the Hamar national camp. He writes
       to his mother in Bergen: "!have today travelled from the camp by the Special Scout train, and left
       the train at Lillestr6mmen for visiting Olav ... " .The card is dated Lillestrommen and postmarked on
       the train "KONGSVINGERB. POSTEKSP *B* 16 VII 24", arrival postmark "BERGEN 17 VII 24".

The Norwegian YWCA Gi rl Gu ides held a leader training camp at G leodden near Kristiansand 23-31 July 1925.
Guide Leaders from the entire country participated in add ition to two leaders from U.S.A. and London, U.K.
The topics included " Be Prepared", " Discipline", "Guides' Own", " My Ideal of a Woman" and several others.



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Girl Guide postcard, written by camp participant and sent to Rjukan . Postmarked "KRISTIANSAND S 25 VII 25" .
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