Page 238 - Collection
P. 238

Scouting Around the World                                                Non vay

In 1928, Norwegian Boy Sco ut Assoc iati on held their fifth national cam p near Andalsnes in Romsdalen , on
the northwestern coast of Norway. Fol lowing the learn ings from the 1924 Hamar camp, the patro l system
was now fully impl emented. Scoutin g was on a positive wave, membership numbers soared and as many as
5,200 Boy Sco uts attended ca mp. 3 10 troops out of 400 were represented. Among the pa1ticipants were
200 foreign Sco uts fro m Denmark, Sweden, Scotland, England , Latvia, Belgium, Poland, France and U.S.A.
The camp post office had for the first time in Norway a special postmark (N-00 I) which was used 6-15 Ju ly .

Above: Engraver's trial
imprint of the postmark,
dated 19 V 28.
Believed to be unique.

Right: Offic ial (postal) wax
seal, with crown, posthorn
and text " LANDSLEIRE
ROMSDALEN 1928". The
sea l was intended to be used
for sea ling insured mail.


Romsdalshorn viewcard, writte n by Scout in camp and se nt to Belgium .
Postmarked (N-00 1) "LANDSLEIR EN ROMSDALEN 1928 -? VII 28" .
Redirected from Antwerpe n to Wilrijk, transit postmark 11 VII 1928.
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