Page 231 - Collection
P. 231

Scouting in :Norway

In 19 10, Norwegian Boys' Scout Corps was fo unded as a subgroup under the
Norwegian Confederation of Sports, but only lasted until about 19 12. The Norwegian
Boy Scouts Assoc iati on was fo unded in 1911 . Girl Guidin g started in Norway in 191 2.
The Norwegian Boy Scouts were among the charter members of the World
Organization of the Scout Movement in 1922, the Girl Guides were among the
fo unders of the World Assoc iat ion of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in 1928.
Thi s exh ibit documents postal hi story connected to Scouting in Norway until 1957,
and all 30 Norwegian Boy Scout and Girl Guide postmarks are shown posta lly used.

                                       "Norwegian Boy Scout"
                        Drawing by Hungari an arti st Loj as Marton, 1927,
                  drawn at Beatelund during the Swedi sh national jamboree.
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