Page 227 - Collection
P. 227

6.2 World Scout Jamboree

                          A total of 1096 registered letters were sent f rom the Jamboree. The first registered item!· were sent
                          on 29 July, and the last were sent on 17 August. 576 items, i. e. more than halfof the tow/ number
                          of registered mail, were sent on I August which was the officia l opening day f or the .Jamboree.

                                                                                                                                             1 .,

                                                                                                            I r,

                                                                             Mr. R. E. Rhodes,
                                                                                    38, Richmond Avenue,
                                                                                          Highams Parle,
                                                                                               London, E.4.


                                          Cancel type 8, inverted U in SUTTON COLDFIELD, sent 1 August 1957.

            -~~- ---------------------------~·

                                                                        F . J . Fi el d. Esq . ,
                                                                 10 , Richmond tloa d ,

                                                               SUTTON COLDFI ELD .

                                                                        War wic ksh i r e •

        -~~- ------------------------------ ----~~~~__,

                                                                  Cancel type 4, sent I August 195 7.
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