Page 224 - Collection
P. 224

World Scout Jamboree                                                                                                                                                                                                   1957

                     During the period of the Jamboree - l st Aug ust to /2th August, mail p osted within the camp.
                  and this alone, was handled in tile 1empo1·01J' sorting office adjacent to the main sorting office
                    in the yard of Suuon Park Stmion. The mail cancelling machine was f unzished with a special
                   Jamboree slogan. Four dies with minor differences were used in rotation on the one machine.


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           The very first sell ing ofthe moveable date and time was 2- PM I AUG.

                                                                                                         JUBILEE JAMBOREE.

                                                                                                                                                                                              ENGLA N D · AUGUST 1957


Tlte only recorded registered item witlt tire Sntton Coldfield jamboree slogan postmark.

                            SUTTON COLDFIELD WKS 2- PM I A UG.
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