Page 219 - Collection
P. 219

6.2 World Scout Jamboree

                               A Jamboree slogan was jilted to the franking machine located at the Imperial Headquarters
                           ofthe Boy Scouts Association, Buckingham Palace Road, London, S. W. /. It was first used
                               on 30th October 1956, and was withdrawn after the close ofbusiness on /Oth Augus1 195 7.

                              L. P. Voller, Esq .,
                                                     11 Elmfield Road,
                                                                  Peterborough ,
                                                                                Northants .

                                                                         Franking machine NA 955.

                         T. M. L. Walters, Esq.,

                                        Granby Buildings,
                                               Granby Street,

                                  Franking machine N 18. Although King George VI died on February 6, 1952, 1he office
                               was still using his initials for several months before changing to that ofQueen Elizabeth II.
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