Page 221 - Collection
P. 221

World Scout Jamboree              1957

Special roll s of stamps were produced, designed to serv ice first day covers
automatica lly. They were produced fro m di ffe rent cy linders fro m the sheet
stamps and were printed on continuous ree ls of paper.
The cylinders bore 126 impress ions in 2 1 rows of six. Regular stamps were in
20 rows, so any strip of 2 1 or more stamps is from a ro ll.
T he reels were cut so as to prov ide sin gle roll s of4800 stamps, nu mbered 1-6.

            LI)                   The ro ll s of 4800 stamps were ava iIable for
                                  sa le on request at the London Chief Office,
00                                but, understandably, not many were so ld of
                                  these huge ro ll s.
"'~=                              T he Post Offi ce fin ally relented to the
            t=:                   feedback they were gettin g from customers
~i~                               and ro ll s of 4800 were rewound into small er
      <:11  ~      ~              roll s of 480 stamps fo r the 2 1/2d and 4d, and
...,00      ~      ~              roll s of 240 for the I s3d.

            liil                  Left:
                                  Coil leader ("wrapper") fo r No. 5 of the 480-
            a::                   stamps co ils of the 2Yid Boy Scout Jamboree
.~                                stamps.
.... ~ 8..."~Q
            ""1 • ""4             Ri g ht :
c-::1                ~            Coi l end fo r No. 5 of the 480-stamps co ils of
            ;;...                 the 2Yid Boy Scout Jamboree stamps.
            a::    ~

i00         ~
0 ""1
~           liil


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[.............. ..., .,....,,...  I00 co ils were printed of the 2 l/2d, and of
                                  these were only 49 so ld.

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