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Scouting Around the World                                                                  Norway

Scoutin g in Norway started in 1909, with troops formed in th e cities Arenda l, Drammen, Kristiansand and Os lo,
and possibly others before any assoc iati on or federat ion was estab li shed.
In 1910, Norwegian Boys' Scout Corps was founded as a subgroup under the Norwegian Confederation of
Sports, but only lasted until abo ut 19 12. The Norwegian Boy Scouts Assoc iation was fou nded in 19 11.
G irl G uidin g started in Norway in 1912 in Sa ndefjord . Norway was fou nding member of WOSM a nd WAGGGS.

      Boy Sco uts parading in front of the Roya l Palace in Chri stiani a (Oslo),
                     on Norweg ian Constitution Day, I 7 May 191 I.
                     Possibly Norway's earliest Scout postcard.

      Nonvegian Boy Scout and Girl Guide Organisations:

NGSK    orske Gutters Spe iderkorps (Norwegian Boys' Sco ut Corps)                         1910-1912
NSF   Norsk Speidergutt-Forbund (Norwegian Boy Scouts Association)                         1911-1978
NSPF                                                                                       1921-1978
Nsf     orsk Speiderp ikeforb und (Norwegian G irl G uide Association)                      1978-date
        orges spe iderforbund (Norwegian Boy Scouts a nd G irl Guides Association)

Norges KFUK-Speidere (Norwegian YWCA Girl Gu ides)                                         1920-2003
Norges KFUM-Speidere (Norwegian YMCA Boy Scouts, affiliated to NSF 1947-1978)              1945-2003
KFUK-KFUM-Speiderne (Norwegian YWCA-YMCA Scouts)                                           2003-date

Affi liated to NSF/NSPF/Nsf:                                                               1922 -date
Metodistkirkens Speide rko rps (Methodist Church Scouts)                                   1947 -d a t e
Frelsesarmeens Speide re (Salvation Army Sco uts)                                          196 2-d a t e
Baptistkirkens Speiderkorps (Baptist Church Scouts)                                        1963-date
Bia Kors Spe idere (B lue Cross Sco uts, Chri stia n temperance organisation)              19 73-date
Frikirkens Spe iderkorps (Norwegian Free Churc h Sco uts, affiliated to NSF)               19 73-date
NMU/Misjonsforbundets Spe iderkorps (Norwegia n Missionary Youth Scouts)

Fe ll esradet for speiderpiker i Norge, national Guiding federati on, member of WAGGGS 1928-2003

No rsk Spe iderrad, umbrella orga ni sat ion fo r the three Scout and Guide Assoc iations  1967-1978?

Spe ide rn es Fe ll esorgani sasjon, th e nati ona l Scouting and Guiding federa ti on     2003-date
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