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Scouting Around the World  Norway

                           193 6 - Boy Scouts Assoc iation Jubi lee Camp
The Norwegian Boy Scouts Assoc iati on marked their 25'11 Anni versary in 1936 by

staging a Jubilee camp at the Jel0y island, south-east of Os lo. 6,600 Boy Scouts

attended the national camp. The post office used a spec ial postmark (N -006) 6- 15 July.

Postcard to Sweden, postmarked "SPEIDERN ES JUBILEU MSLEIR JEL0Y 14 7 36",
                 written by one of the Swedi sh Boy Scouts who participated.

Inwards postcard sent fro m Oslo to the Jel0ya camp. Mommy writes to her boy in camp
  and describes how he can sew the elasti c band in hi s bathin g suit which is too wide!
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