Page 296 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 296

Jamaica Booklets.

            George V ½d and 1d pictorial.               Fourth booklet, 1928.               Issue date not recorded.
            This was made up of 2 panes of 6 of the ½d George V and 3 panes of 6 of the 1d pictorial.

            First invoiced on 3 August 1928, there were two printings totalling 25,550 booklets.

                 The coat of arms was                                                     An issued fourth booklet,
               dropped from the design,                                                      with 4 ½d and 8 1d
               and an advert allowed on                                                      stamps remaining.
                the front as well as the
                      back cover.                                                          The adverts differ from
                                                                                           the De La Rue archived
                                                                                          set; they are the same as
                                                                                            those in the exploded
                                                                                               booklet, below.

            An exploded fourth type booklet, continued on the next page.

                                                             Pictures of
                                                             the insides
                                                               of these
                                                              front and

              Six interleaves,
            Five with adverts.
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