Page 298 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 298
Jamaica Booklets.
Fourth booklet, 1928: from the De La Rue archives, covers and interleaves.
The note on the cover is Requ 6552, with an added 13/184. This numbering would place it after the
first requisition for the fifth type booklet including 1½d stamps, (Requisition 6176, 1929), but before
reversion to ½d and 1d only booklets in the sixth type. This might have been an abandoned order for
a reversion to the fourth type, but none is recorded. Vokins noted alongside “Never seen as post
office booklet.” The covers are the same as the fourth booklet, above, but the adverts differ.
Ex Vokins.
of insides
of these
front and
Six interleaves,
four with adverts.