Page 300 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 300

Jamaica Booklets.

              George V ½d, 1d and 1½d.                    Fifth booklet, 1929.                      Issued July 1929.
            This is the only booklet with three different values: one pane of six of the 1927 ½d, two panes of six
            of the 1929 1d (die I or II) and one pane of six of the 1929 1½d.

            There were two printings: 25,120 booklets using 1d die I invoiced on 26 July 1929;
                                       10,000 booklets using 1d die II invoiced on 24 August 1932.

                 The covers, interleaves                                                   An issued fifth booklet
                and adverts are the same                                                      with five stamps
                as those in the De La Rue                                                        remaining.
                   archived set above.
                                                                                                        Ex Vokins.

                         Panes of six of the 1927 ½d and the 1929 1d (die II), used in several booklets.
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