Page 395 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 395
Jamaica Registration: Certificates of Posting, Kingston.
Certificate of posting of a registered letter at Kingston, 1891.
The heading ‘KINGSTON
JAMAICA’ shows that this
form was for use only in
Kingston. The form does not
closely resemble British
forms and may have been
locally designed and printed.
Printing code, 100 B. 200 p.-
14.8.90.; at least one earlier
printing is known.
Pre-printed registration
number 127. The perforations
at the left show where the
counterfoil was attached.
The clerk entered the date,
23 3 91, and the addressee,
Miss Ena Sheering, c/o Rev
Etherington, Torquay. The
certificate was then signed by
the customer, R Sherring,
and the Window Clerk.
Kingston registered: 23
March 91 (Lant type RC4).
Ex Swarbrick.
Certificate of posting of a registered letter at Kingston, 1894.
A later printing of the Kingston type certificate, without printing code.
Pre-printed registration
number 80.
The clerk entered the
date, 5 12 94, and the
addressee, D.
Appleton, New York.
The certificate then
records the customer
(the letter was posted
per Saml Wright,
probably a servant)
and is signed by the
Window Clerk, J A J
Kingston registered:
5 December 94
(Lant type RC6).