Page 102 - Pipe_Bill_GBRailwayStationCancellations
P. 102
'.; On His Maje.sty's Service.
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the add,ress to which the result;of the enquiry is to be sent should be llimilarly entered.
t When the form is filled. up at the time of J:eiistration, the designation of the office of
posting and the reg:istratjon nu!l1ber as giTen ·on the registration label must be insertCd
in .the space at·the he.'ld of the 1£>rm, but the spaces for the name of the office of posting
and the date of posting need not be filled ill.. Wb.en, however, the form is filled np
subsequently, the registration number. the name of the office of posting and the date ot
posting must be in3erted. . . .•.
t When the form is received 11t the Office of DeliTery at the same time as the postal
packet to which it relates, the 'certificate ( 4) should be completed only if the recipient
objects to ·complete and sign_~e_ acknowledgment (3), or if fo._r any other reaaon hi&
signature is unobtainable. When, li'oweTer, the form ill received after the postal pl{ckct
has been delivered, part (3)_~ould be left incomplete and part (4) should be completed,
after reference to the delivery records, by the Head Postmaster or other officer dealing
with such forms. •
If the packet is officially re-directed, or is re-directed at the address· and
nt once .ba.llded back,¥> ~ posf1p&n,_the space (1) must be struck .oµt. and
the new address inserted. When the packet is returned direct to th.e l!Cilder, the add.ress
in space (1) must be similarly struck out and the lllBllOn for the• non-delivery. bf ·the
packet noted on the form. ' . . . . . , .
When-thla form doeirnoi accompany the postal packet-to ·which7it-zefet11;·: ar- - !
ticulnrs of the mail in which thi .~aa .fanrarded to the next office should be given
in space (2). and the fomi. fo~Ji:i':f.liteuDd.,guµuned, fQl:warded direct to the office of
delivery (6). If the form ii'~ in af; an Office other· thv that at which the
' pjlCJ;et WM posted jt mm¢ bli·~~~ tho Office Of ·~g in Order.that the
couhterfoil of the ceriificate of JlOSting may ·be noted and particulara of despatcli ~
the packe~ fumiahed. • , <_
When the form ia completed-it lhould be folded in three,' .d, after being,
' returned to the address shewn af; (5).
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---:_ On His Majesty's Service •.
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