Page 104 - Pipe_Bill_GBRailwayStationCancellations
P. 104
In the cue of a Money Order payable in any of th" undcnncntioned countries or places no Orda
is handed lo the nmitter for transmission lo the payee. The rcmittam .. c is advised throuah the
Money Order Department. London, to the proper Post Office abroed, and that Office arrenacs
payment in ac.cordancc with its own rcRUlations.
Aden Evypt Karafuto Uapancsc Peru
Araentinc Rcpubllc Es1onia Saahalicn) Philippine lalandt
Austria Fa roe Islands Latvia Portu~al (with Madeira
Belgium & Belaian Conao Fedenlted Malay States Liberia and Azores)
Bcluc.histan Finland Lithuania Portuauesc Colonic1
Bolivia Formosa & Pescadores Lu'Ccmburg, Grand (except Moumbique)
Urunei Is. Duchy of Saar Territory
Bulaaria French Colonies Mat:ao Salvador
Burma Germany Malay St11te~ Siam
C.ylon Cilben & Ellicc Islands Manchuria Solomon Islands
Chile Greece, includina Cret~ Mexico Spain and Spanish
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Corco (Chosen) 1-ioll•nd (Netherlands) Netherlands (Holland) Sudan
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Cuba Hunaary Nr:w Guinea Switzerland
Czc..:110 Slovekia ll.'cland Norway Syria
Dttnzia. Free City of lnrlis Rod its Aaencies Nyasalnnd Protc:Ctorstc Tanganyib Ttrritory
Denmark lraq (Mesopotamia) a.nd Palesline · Ton•• (Friendly
Dutch East Indies its Aacnci"' Panam~ Canal Zone T ran•iordan
Dutch Guiana (Surinam) Italy Papua (Brili~h New T unis
Dutch West India Japan (and Japanese Guiuca) Uruguoy.
Ecuador Aacncica in China. &c.) Persia
Dieser Schein wird in allen Landern des Weltpostvereins
gegen ein oder mehrere Postwertzeichen im Gesamtwert der
Gebiihr fiir einen einfachen Auslandsbrief umgetauscht.
This coupon is exchangeable in any country of the Postal
Union for a postage stamp or postage stamps representing
the postage on a single-rate foreign letter.
Este vale podra ser canjeado en todos los pafses de la vni6n
por uno o varios sellos de Correos que representen el importe
de! franqueo de una carta sencilla destinada al extranjero.
Questo buono pu6 essere cambiato in tutti i paesi dell'Unione
con uno o piu francobolli rappresentanti l'importo della fran-
catura di una lett<"ra semplice a destinazione dell'estero.