Page 440 - Pipe_Bill_GBRailwayStationCancellations
P. 440
'Rai{way Station Postmarks
Timyer{ey Station Self-Inking Cance{
of Posting This is a receipt for ordinary letters. Keep it
safely to produce in the event of a claim.
Tbe ordinary post should not be used for
sending money or valuable items.
Please write the name, address and number of items
postcode for each item you're sending
in the column below (in ink).
name address and postcode
' '
please continue on the back (if necessary)
P326 PAD May ot
Certificate of posting of a letter addressed to Altrincham, cancelled by the
self-inking datestamp TIMPERLEY STATION/POST/OFFICE dated ih
August 2015 with index A. This type of mark is known used at just nine
remaining stations that have post offices located within the premises. The
post office at Timperley station closed on the ?1h August 2015
Known period of use: 27.7.1996 to 7.8.2015