Page 83 - Pipe_Bill_GBRailwayStationCancellations
P. 83

                 SOUTHERN  RAILWAY.                                               No. 25a,  1925.

                             Special  Instruction  to  Station  Masters,  Inspectors,

                                     Guards,  Porters and  others  concerned

                                                         as  to

                        Passenger  Trains  stopping  at  Stations  with  vehicles

                                                off  the  platform.

                                                --  - - -  ------ ---  -

                        Referring to  Rule  152  of  the  Book  of  Rules  and  Regulations,  the  following
                 insLruction must be carefully  noted  and  complied with as an addition  to  this Rnle :-

                        Shonld the  length  of  a  passenger  train  topped  at  a  station  be  snch  that  a
                 nhicle  or  Yehicles  are  off  the  platform,  • ·tation  Masters,  Guards  a.nd  others  must
                 immecl iately take all necessary steps to  prevent  passengers  leaving  the  Yehicles  that
                 are not at the platform.

                        Any passengers showing signs of their intention to alight  from  Yebicles  not  at
                 the  phttform rnnst be clearly warned to keep their seats  until  the  vehicles  haYe  been
                 brought to a state of rest at the platform.

                        The foregoing  instruction ,will ?Wt  apply  in  the  case  of eight  coach  electric
                 trains  stopping  at  the  Up  platfonns  at  Lonclon  Road  (G-nildford),  Glandon  ancl
                 Hor.·foy  (TVcstern  8ection),  also  at  Beckenhani  Hill  and  Honor  Oak  ( Ea.·tcni ..
                 8ectiu11),  ·in  regard  to  which  stations  the  stipnlations  la·id  down  in  ln::dructicin
                 4\o.  :2lu, elated ?th Jilly, 1925, must be  strictlu adhered to.

                                                           EDWIN  C.  COX,

                                                                    Chief Upcrutin'J ::faperi11te1t1lP,nl.

                 ~WATERLOO STATION,
                      4th Aiigust, 1925.               (R  7,538.)

                                  Printed at the CompH.ny's Printing Office,  64, Wandsworth 11oad, S.W. 8.
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