Page 12 - Chris King Denmark, Slesvig and Holstein: Invasion, Occupation, and Postal Change
P. 12

II. The end of the Danish post office beyond the Monarchy          16 Skilling Poste Restante soldier's letter
                                                                             Order to assemble troops and materiel


              00 I 3th January 1864, Single franking fourth weight class Poste Restante cover sent from
            K0benhavn to Baron LOvenskiold Secondlieutenant ved 2nd Dragonregiment 5«. Eskadron in Nyborg with
          1863  16 Skilling cancelled by duplex SJ.JB.P.SPB.+ 34 for Sjrelland Railway. Rare single franking. (E)

                                                                     ,..._... _____ '"""""::::"''=· ::;i·r -  -

           0  4t11  February 1864, Entire official letter sent to Gram datestamped with Ant V AABENRAA
           with K.. T fra Districts Ccmmissairen, for 1ste Slesviske Kj~rselsdistrict ordering all mobile materiel to be
                                      moved immediately to the assembly points.

           Prussian troops were in Holstein from December 1863, and crossed the River Eider into Slesvig on I"  February 1864.

                                                        Denmark. Slesvig and Holstein. Invasion. Occupation and Postal Change: Page 12
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