Page 38 - Chris King Denmark, Slesvig and Holstein: Invasion, Occupation, and Postal Change
P. 38

V. The Austrian field  post office                                                To Laibach in  Croatia
                                                             From General Gablenz, Commander of the Austrian army

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                        31 rt July 1864, Envelope marked Ftldpost sent from judland to Laibach,
                     (Ljubiana) in Croatia with Austrian military post eds K.K.FELDPOST Nol.

          31 st July 1864, Austrian military envelope sent via Rendsburg to Ahrensburg in  Holstein postmarked
                                with Austrian military post eds K.K.FELDPOST Nol.
         The sender is General Ludwig Karl Wilhelm Freiherr von Gablenz overall commander of the Austrian VI  Corps, born 19t11
             July  1814 died 28th January 1874. Appointed the Austrian governor of the Duchy of Holstein in September 1865.

                                                       Denmark, Slesvig and Holstein. Invasion. Occupation and Postal Change: Page 38
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