Page 37 - Chris King Denmark, Slesvig and Holstein: Invasion, Occupation, and Postal Change
P. 37

V. The Austrian field post office                                         Redirected naval mail from Linz

              0  28th September 1864. Registered mail to Austrian navy.  I 5Kr brown with  I OKr blue on
           reverse. Originally addressed to the Kanonenboot "der Seehund .. in  Hamburg which had departed.
                Registration handstamps RECOMMANDIRT, CHARGE. Charge and manuscript NB.
          Handstamp PD "Port paye jusqu'a Destination" (Paid to destination) and manuscript Mit der Feldpost;
                                               Naval mail is very scarce.

           Forwarded to Wyk auf F<>hr via Flensburg - from Wyk via Hamburg to Cuxhafen, then via Hamburg to Paris and Brest
           where it was readdressed to Cadiz. Forwarded via Paris but opened there and returned to Linz on 17'11 October 1864.

                  LINZ28/9         K.K.FELTPOST                                              WYK6/IO

                HAMBURG 6/10       HAMBURG 9/10                          PARIS 11/10

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                 BREST 13/10                           PARIS 15/10                          LINZ 17/10

                                                       Denmorll. Slesvig and Holstein. Invasion. Occupation and Postal Change: Page 37
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