Page 109 - Ian Marshall - London Coffe Houses - Standing Display January 2016
P. 109
White Horse Coffee House and Hotel
88, Fetter Lane, Holborn
(1752 -1869)
The White Horse formerly an Inn or Tavern is mentioned in 1677 and again
in 1745. In 1752 a notice at the New Theatre, Haymarket advised of a grand
concert with tickets to be has at Mr Speeds, the White Horse, Fetter Lane. It
was here that Lord Eldon met his brother Lord Stowell in 1766. In the 1780s
and 1790s it was from The White Horse Inn "near the Holbom end of Fetter
Lane" that the Oxford and West Country stage coaches set out, as did the
earlier country wagons of the carriers. In 1809 it was listed as a Hotel, Inn
and Coffee House under the proprietorship of Sam Holmes; 1822-24 John
Owen; and 1826-28 Thos. Jones.
The British Museum has a drawing of the place and the Guildhall Library
has a watercolour dated 1869.
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A letter posted in Kingsclere near -: ,.JM\
Newbury on 17th March 1836 by • - . ri I l ·- ,'
John Curtis addressed to B Baker
Esq, "at the White Horse, Fetter
Lane" where it arrived the next day
advising him that he will be with him
around 8.00 that evening. The letter
was charged at 1/5d and has boxed
black Newbury Penny Post and No 3