Page 77 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 77

11/111.  1914-1921  East Persia Cordon/ South Persia Rifles                        SPR served the
    Cla mp down  on                                                                    Persian Gvmnt
    Germa n  agents etc.   Russian-British Mission to stop German agents and          &  India
                                      later to install law & order
  By the end of 1915 Wassmuss and  his colla bora tors had  been  quite  successful  in sta lli ng  both  Russian and  British activities.
  The Gendarmerie was falling apart. German agents under von der Goltz were  trying to cross  Persia into Afghanistan to reach
  an agreement with the  Emir to stir up  a nti-British  fee li ngs  among  the  India n  Muslims  and  a n  uprisi ng.  So  Russia  were  to
  increase the Cossack Brigade in the north. The British set up fo rces to the south.  Later rena med to South Persia Rifles,
                     Persian Cossack Brigade.  Turbet-i-Heidari. Khorasan in NE Persia
     Khorasan headquarters units  of the Turkestan Military District,  g.T1.1 rbeu-Ha1dari,  Persia  1st and 2nd Semirechensk
       Cossack regiment in 1916 +  2n<1  for  1917. Cossack  seals or any type are ve1y elusive. A few recorded in all only
                                                                            W ma6   XopacaHcKux   ompR006
                                                                            TypKecmaHcKou"J'o- eoeHHOW   oKpyza.
                                                                            l .Typ6en111-Xa1/i!apu.1. nepcuR
                                                                            There  a re  no  Persian  postmarks
                                                                            which  indicate that  the card has
                                                                            used   only   Russian   postal
                                                                            a rrangem ents  like  closed  bag to
                                                                            Ashgabad  in  Turkestan  where
                                                                            the  card  was  pu t  into  the
                                                                            internal  Russian  postal  system
                                                                            or courier service.
                                                                            The  large  military  Cossack  seal
                                                                            gives  a  soldier's  "free  of charge"
                                                                            ra te.  So no  postage due mark.
                                                                            The Russian revolution in March
                                                                            1917  led  to  collapse  of  the
                                                                            Russian  army.  Indian  troops
                                                                            took  over.  It's  commander  was
                                                                            Major-General W Mallson. It also
                                                                            led  to  the creation  of the  South
                                                                            Persia Rifles.

                                           Rates: Sch foreign rate
           Routes: Khorasan 26 .2.16 in m/s, Ashgabacl  9.3.16  Losinoostrovskaya of Moscow province 23-3-16
                         then redirected  to Crimea:  Noviy Simeiz of Tavrida  province 7-4-16
          There are two different Ashgabad censors on the back. An oval and a  strait two-line( Speeckaert 114  &  115)
                                      South Persia Rifles

     Indian Field
     Post Office                         SOUTH  PERSIA  RIFLES, -
     Registered                                   KERMAN.
     From Indian
     Field PO
     FPO 358/
     20 FEB 1919
     in Kerman
     to Bombay
     26 MAR  19
     Rate: Y2as
     Reg.  fee:  2as
     Disbanded in
      1921 and its
     forces formed
     the body of
     Persia's  new
     regular army      ~17.2;3~~~
     Reza Khan
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