Page 81 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 81

II.  1914 - 18                     Cossack Brigades                           Regular troops as
    WWI. Entente against                                                          well as the Shah's
    Central Powers                                                                personal guard
                  Russian censor used in Zendjan 1916 used by a "Russian" Cossack unit
    Only eight letters are recorded related to any of two types of Cossack units in Persia. Two covers of 1916 have the Zendjan
                        censor as described below. The others are from  1921-22 )see later
                The only Russian censor attributed to any of the Cossack units. Two recorded of this type

                                                                  .,. /


          Large black Russian censor with both Russian and Persian text. Signed by Cossack officer Ahmed Khan
           Letter cancelled Zendjan 27 XI  1916 and addressed to Teheran arriving beginning of December 1916
     Akhmad Khan is a  Persian Cossack, a  sotnik, a  rank in the Cossack troops equal to leutenant. There was probably no
       Russian censorship office in Zendjan, but the letter could be examined in Kazvin at the FPO No.  162 .attached to
                            the 1st Caucasian Cavalry Corps under General Baratov
    History: It's official duty was to protect the Shah and his family. It had been created by Russia more as a political than military weapon. Had
    30 Russian officers  and 3500 Persian  soldiers  about  1915 and was the  most disciplined  trained force  in Persia.  However,  the Cossack
    Brigade did become more involved in real battles at the 1920s. Reza Khan, later to become Reza Shah Pahlavi, was its leader then in spite of
    not being Russian.
           It should further be noted that the Russian troops under Baratoff and others had Cossack units under their command.
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