Page 85 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 85

II.  1914 - 18      Mail route affected by war situation                          Mail to and from
  WWI. Entente against                                                              Persia via Russia
  Central Powers                         Via Archangelsk
       The normal transit roads via Russia, and Germany, etc was cut off and the mail had to be diverted via Scandinavia and
                or via the  orts at north western Russia such as Murmansk and Archan  elsk at the Barents Sea
      This UPU  parcel document with pre-printed addresses of the sender in Meched, the receiver, the well-known company
            E.D. Sassoon of London, and not the least the acheminement, the route, VIA ERKENGEL, mer Blanche
              However, for unknown reasons the parcel got lost along the route and the postal authorities
                  paid out an indemnity as per the hand written information in Persian on the back
      "For the Colis Postal which was lost on the route of Badjgiran, a  value of 300 Krans was paid by the Post office."

                          [ 83 7  Badjguiran (PerseJ
       Peut  etr-e  detache  pa
          le  destinataire
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                          ~  Valeur  assuree
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           l'expediteur;   ~I
                          i      A  ___ _Me_s_se.r.s .... E.: . .Jl!._fu\.S.E 0.{JN·~~ · ,~- .. · ·-'· -·--· -······················
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       - ··-··-···--·-- l  ·e  eranr-·--··-·   '1~  (Lieu  de  destination) ·--··-··-----------------·---·····-······-·····-··----------LO.N.D.O.N ..... -.. ---·-·-··--·····--
                  .       i  (Rue et  .NP)     ...  ····-···-··--..... 1...-----·-····· ---··-·······- ----·"·--------···-·-·---·--···  ····---
       ·······-····················MECHED jj
            ..            l     P oids  I Droit  de  I             ~cheminement:
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                          ~                    ~ ~UJ9n6 d~clare avo r re1
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      Parcel sent from Meched via an agent in Badjguiran, a  small town. The agent arranged for the forwarding of the parcel to
            abroad as customary. Badjguiran was only a  few  kilomers away.  Cancelled there  12 IV  16. A private hand
                        stamp across the adhesives 23 MARS  1916 applied probably by the sender
                                 The text in m/s, 30% reduction, written at the back
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