Page 88 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 88

I.e 1914-17     Contemporary Persian POs to Russian POs                            State post offices
   Ru ssia n  POs                                                                     existed alongside
   in  Persia                                                                         Persian post offices
                      The Persian post offices in Gumbet-i-Kabuz, Astarabad and Karasu
  Only Astara bad was  a  significant town at the time of WWI.  Most mail went by  closed  mail bag to the port. Gumbet-i-Kabuz
  was then  a  smaller town  and ha d  no  Pers ian post office  in  function  between  WWI  and  late  1920s.  Russian  mail recorded
  from the latter PO is  a lso  insign ificant.  No  Persian mail  is recorded  from  Karasu except a  few  pieces related to early 1920s.
   From Astarabad  no Russian mail is recorded except on fragments. Why could  not Russia make use of the Persian PO, is the
  question. With Ka rasu there is no proof that a  Persian  PO  actually did already exist in  1917 when  that village  bec;;  the
   temporary home of the  Molokons from  Russia, a  spiritual religious sect.
          Persian PO of Gumbet-i-Kabuz or Gombed-Ghabousse (French spe lling).  Native postmark

                                              timbre~ y  apposes.
                                    Jj._,.  J,,.,, .• J   If~' )

        Half of parcel receipt  from  1907  with native type of cancellation, sent  to Astarabad, 94km, arriving 12 5  ( 19)07
                                       Persian post office of Karasu
                No complete Pers ian cover is recorded  from  this insignificant place. Only a  few  fragments
                                 This piece is bearing the  I 924 issue of the Shah

                                      Probably a  single letter rate 6  chahis
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