Page 86 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 86

II. 1914-18                 Russian Consular Post Office                            Russian Consular
        WWI.  Entente against                                                               P 0  a t  Maku opened
        Central Powers                                                                      in  1914
                                        Maku, Azarbadjan province.  1914 - 1 7
              During 1913-18 four Russian consular post offices opened or re-opened (Tabriz)  in  Persia. The new ones
                       were Ardebil Maku and  Kho1.  Only  mail from Tabriz and  Maku are hitherto recorded
                                 The only recorded Russian postal item franked Maku
                                     Sent from  Maku  to  Poste Russe Harbin  in China  1916

                         ~u/.,.:  ufwn<'Uv-Jr'  M~~ (

                        Tiflis.   Cathedrale Alexandro-Nevsky.

                                                      Rate: 3  kopek
                          Route: Maku  11 2  16 via Transiberien Railway to Kharbin(Manchuria) 25 2  16
                                          Marking:  Rectangular censor at Irkutsk

                                                Free franking at Maku
              The free-frank hand stamp reads "1st Company of 3rd Caucasian Army Military Railway Detachment"

        The Russian had
         for long planned
         to construct a
         railway between
        Tiflis and Tabriz
         in Azarbadjan.
         When the WWI
         began the Russi-
         ans quickly
         completed it for
         logistical purposes.
         Turkish troops
         invaded north
         western Azarbadjan
         causing the Russians
         to also construct a
         military railway
         between Maku and       T1t0bI  RaBKa13a.  - p n3H1•'  <-
         Shakhtakhty (on the      cyurna  apMSrHCIUIX'b  lt:IKapOH'h.
         Tiflis-Djulfa line).          'Cypes  du  Caucase.
                                fabrication  et  sechage  des  )vfaccaronis.
         Only five  items
         known cancelled
         at Maku

                                                Rate: Free for soldiers
                   Route:  Ppc sent from  Ma ku  1 3  19 16 to Nikolaev, Kherson province (Ukraina)  in ea rly  19 16
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