Page 18 - SD2018-10_Kathryn_Johnson_Overseas_Mail_to_from_Scotland
P. 18
Migration: Channel Islands Jersey and Guernsey
Rates to and frorn the Channel Islands v ere 4d plus ld inland, the large rate for mail to and frorn Scotland was to London.
1 u:npaid
Guerns:e , 8 Od:obe.r, 183:Z-6 ays
npaid letter Guernse to Edinburgh. Rated li l to London and re-ra.t 1/6 to
Ed:i:nburgh, plus Y....d mail tax. 0 :tober 11 London, 0 oher l" recei ed.
Above cover.
Reverse at 75%
Concerns past due payrnents on land, possibility of lawsuit, issues of drought