Page 20 - SD2018-10_Kathryn_Johnson_Overseas_Mail_to_from_Scotland
P. 20
Migration: Asia Ceylon
Letter rates were rated 1/- via Southampton from 1840, and 2/3d via Marseilles for % oz. after 1 May, 1854.
1/- unpaid
9 July, 1851 Pusilawe to
Edinburgh via Southampton
1/- manuscript rate, Pusilawe
with eut ring marking &
manuscript dating
22 August London
24 August Edinburgh
Ceylon Hellebodde Coffee
Plantation Correspondence.
Pusilawe, 9 July, 1851-44 days
213 unpaid
lOJuly, 1851
Kandy, Ceylon to Forres
via Marseilles
213 manuscript rate
18 August Edinburgh,
20 August Forres
Letter describes passage and
use of capital for equipment.
Kandy, 10 July, 1851 - 41 days
Scots came to Ceylon first as coHee planters, a disease killed the coffee island wide, but the replacement crop of tea earned fortunes.