Page 22 - SD2018-10_Kathryn_Johnson_Overseas_Mail_to_from_Scotland
P. 22

_ fig  ti  n: .  u  trala  ia                                                                 Tasmania

                            m Tasmania,  i  oria,  ev  South\  al  and oth  Australasian destinations had pre-1840 ship
                                       port and inland  harges to et   on.

              ..     '  ..                                                       l      lciier to Ed:inburgh, rated in
                 . .... .
                                                                                         1:  A       . er inwards

                                                                                                            1  _6- l  3

                                                                                 Dat  .   Hobart Tov,.11, T

                Hobart Town General
                Post Office datestamp

                                                           Hobart Town, Tasmania 23 July, 1853-98 days

                                       1/4 unpaid Ship Letter Hobart to Glasgow.  3d ship fee paid at Hobart, and rnanuscript
                                      8d ocean crossing Ship Letter fee paid, per Cleopatra. Liverpool rated 1/4 rnanuscript
                                      to Glasgow. 25  October Liverpool transit, 29 October Glasgow.
                                       Letter from fellow Scotto J.W. Campbell, massive dry goods mercantile exporter in Glasgow,
                                               regarding shipment damaged by sait water, "rendering quite unsaleable."

         Scots migrated extensively to Australasian commonwealth countries, setting up communities where they have remained to this day.
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