Page 24 - SD2018-10_Kathryn_Johnson_Overseas_Mail_to_from_Scotland
P. 24

Migration: Australasia                                                                           Victoria

            From 1840-1856 ship rates were 1/- plus inland rate to destination only.
                                                       Toulmin Packet

            1/- paid
            1/6 due                                                                                t

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                                                                                          18C7  l


                                                 To Melbourne, 17 June, 1847-149 days

                      1/- paid to Falmouth from Arbroath, Scotland. Packet rate unpaid per sailing ship Trafalgar
                      Sydney rated on receipt,  116  due: 1/3  inland and 3d ship. 18 June Eclinburgh,
                      1 July Falmouth, 3  ovember Sydney, 11  ovember Melbourne.

                       Contracted to provide the fust scheduled packet service to Australia via Cape of Good Hope,
                         migrants Henry and Calvet Toulmin operated the short lived, intermittent and unreliable
                         Toulmin Packet service, 1844 until March,  1849. Tou/min packet covers se/dom seen.

                       3d paid
                       2/3 due

             *  ~ •
              ~( IBS+n~                                 ~~/
            Paid 3d Ship Fee

        The Chausan was the fust
         steamer to carry mail to                                                     ~&~:-.:;

                                                          Melbourne, 29 November, 1853-77 days
                              3d ship fee paid, per P& 0  Chausan 3 December Adelaide, London rated 2/3d due (~ to Yi oz.).
                              10 December King Georges Sound, West Australia, via Singapore to Galle, Ceylon, 29 December.
                              P& 0  Oriental Galle, Aden, Suez, arrival 31 January, P& 0  Vectis Suez to Marseilles via Malta.
                              Arrivai London 13 February,  1854, 14 February Eclinburgh and Kihnarnock.
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