Page 60 - SD2018-10_Kathryn_Johnson_Overseas_Mail_to_from_Scotland
P. 60
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Simplified Prepaid Rat : Bri . rrnrmrP from 1 - 1 0 as 6d if carrie.d b '
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Paid d letter: 6d lec-tter rate and ld late Lin st·:es:11er
orth Briton 2 · January Liverpool Late fee paid to in Llv l
8 February, Portland, 9 February QU< rece· ecL
Paid 8d letter from Ayr, Scotland by
British contract Cunard packet
steamer Africa via Liverpool and
Halifax. 19 February, Hamilton
transit and London received.
Ayr, a coal exporting port town.
Made famous by poet Robert Burns.
To London, Upper Canada, 1February,1861 -19 days
Scottish migration grew in the 1860s, with Scotsmen migrating to urban centers including London, Upper Canada and Quebec.