Page 62 - SD2018-10_Kathryn_Johnson_Overseas_Mail_to_from_Scotland
P. 62

Briti h    T ortb  merica                                                                        Canada

                                          Kingston, West canada, 21lanuary, 1859-19 days

                   8d letter rate paid for British packet from Edinburgh witb two 4d Edinburgh duplex handstamp
                   cancels. Carried b  Cunard Asia  2 January Li  erpool marked witb lozenge diamond transit,
                   February  e  York,  9 February re  eipt.
                                      Letter details a aedit draft of f57 endosed on annexed land.

                   12Y2c paid

        "P Canadian Mail"~
     Indication for Allan Line rating
           Applied in Glasgow
          on mail received from
          Canada - Allan Lines
          Carried in closed bag.

                                                               Toronto,  23 Mach, 1865-13 days

                                12Yic paid  (6d equivalent) to Glasgow, by Canadian Packet via Allan Line's Hibernia, 25 March
                                departed Portland, Maine via the winter routing, 3 April 1865 Liverpool, received 5 April Glasgow.

          Bank of Scotland: Known for flexibility and dynamism in investment, Scottish banks contributed the success of Scottish migration.
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