Page 99 - SD2018-10_Kathryn_Johnson_Overseas_Mail_to_from_Scotland
P. 99

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                           ea   reduced to and frorn the Far East: In the 1850s, 44 day  was cornrnon,
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                                                Colombo, 12 January, 1869-34 days

               9d paid to Forres   .B.   orth Britain-Scotland) via Southampton.  Manuscript obliteration and four
               strikes of the oval A obliterator. Lower left "D" indicates duplicate letter.  9d rate per Yi  oz. rate via
               Southampton in effect 1868-1872 only.  Fon-es receiver, 15 February, 1869.
                                       Earliest recorded use of the Ceylon oval A obliterator.
                                       Scottish investor letter- tea plantation industry.

                      48~ paid

                                                            Colombo, 31 October, 1873-24 days
                                   48 cents paid to Edinbmgh via Brindisi, Italy. Letter sent after a pence to cents cun-ency
                                   conversion, and equates to an 8d rate.  Edinbmgh backstamped, 24 November arrival.
         By the mid-1870s tea was being planted in failed coffee plantations successfully.  Scottish investors and planters alike drew big
         returns from Ceylon marketing, "the world's finest tea."
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