Page 139 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 139
Bruton, and Wells, as likewise the Maidenhead Bag with the Henly Bag inclosed, having been lost or stolen in coming from
Maidenhead to this Office, on Sunday Night the 7th Instant: Any Person who may have found the said Bags of Letters, and
will bring them immediately to this Office, or can give any Intelligence thereof, shall receive Twenty Guineas Reward; and
whoever conceals them after this Notice will be prosecuted.
ANTH. TODD, Secretary.
-- 6 9 0 3 NEWS (General Post-Office, June 20, 1769)
The Packet-Boat, employed in the Service of this Office between Whitehaven and the Isle of Man, will, from the 5th of
July next, sail from Whitehaven every Monday, instead of once a Fortnight.
ANTHONY TODD, Secretary.
-- 6 9 0 4 NEWS (General Post-Office, November 24, 1769)
Whereas a Bill of Exchange, supposed to be feloniously taken out of the Mail dispatched from this Office for Ireland
on Friday the 3d Instant, (which Mail was forcibly taken from one of the Sailors belonging to the Packet Wherry as he was
carrying it from the said Wherry to the Post Office in Dublin, on Wednesday the 8th Instant,) hath been offered to be
negotiated in London, by four Persons answering the following Descriptions:
One of them dressed in a brick-dust coloured Great Coat with a New-Market Cape, and a black Coat under it, mixt
coloured Stockings, and a plain Hat, is about 5 Feet JO Inches high, wear.s his own Hair, of a dark brown Colour tied behind,
thin Face, fresh Complexion, and between 30 and 40 Years of Age.
Another of them had on a reddish mixt coloured Coat, green Breeches, mottled silk Stockings, his Hair of a lightish brown
Colour, tied behind, about 5 Feet 8 Inches high, and between 30 and 40 Years of Age.
Another of them had on a light coloured Great Coat, a dark brown Under Coat, a Pair of dirty Leather Breeches, dark
mixt coloured Stockings, a light coloured Wig; a plain Hat flapped before, and a red Handkerchief about his Neck, is about 5
Feet 7 or 8 Inches high, fresh Complexion, and seemed rather bloated with Liquor, between 30 and 40 Year.s- of Age.
And the other dressed in a grey coloured Great Coat, a dark coloured second-mourning Coat, with black Buttons and
Button-holes, dirty Leather Breeches, dark grey coloured Stockings, and a dark brown frizzled Wig; is about 5 Feet 4 or 5 Inches
high, thick-set, and of a pale Complexion.
Notice thereof is hereby given, in Precaution to Merchants and Others, to prevent the Negociation of any of the Bills
feloniously taken out of the said Mail; and also further Notice, That whoever shall apprehend and convict, or cause to be
apprehended and convicted, any of the Persons concerned in forcibly and feloniously taking the said Mail, shall be entitled
to a Reward of FIFTY POUNDS for each Person so apprehended and convicted; or if any Person, whether an Accomplice in
the said Robbery, or knowing thereof, shall make Discovery, whereby the Persons who committed the same may be
apprehended and brought to Justice, such Discoverer will, upon Conviction of the Persons who committed the Robbery, be
intitled to the like Reward, and also receive His Majesty's most gracious Pardon.
ANTH. TODD, Secretary.