Page 137 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
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         Loughborough.             Petersfi eld.            Shrewsbury.              Walsingham.
         Lowestoff.                Plymouth.                Sittingbourn.            Ware.
         Lynn.                     Portsmouth.              Southall.                Warrington.
                                   Prescot.                 Southa""ton.             Warwick.
         Maidstone.                Preston.                 Stafford.                Watford.
         Manchester.                                        Stilton.                 Watton  in  Norfolk.
         Mansfield.                Queenborough.            Stoke  in  Norfolk.      Wells  in  Somerset.
         Margate.  C*)                                      Stone.                   Wells  in  Norfolk.
         Market  Harborough.       Ramsgate.  (*)           Stamford.                Wellington  in  Somerset.
         Marlow.                   Rawcliffe.               Staines.                 Wetherby.
         Middlewich.               Reading.                 Stratford on  Avon.      Whitehaven.
                                   Retford.                 Stroud,  Gloucestershire.   Wigan.
         Namptwich.                Ripley.                                           Wight,  Isle of.
         Newark.                   Rochdale.                Tadcaster.               Winchester.
         Newcastle.                Rochester.               Taunton.                 Windham  in Norfolk.
         Newmarket.                Rotherham.               Tedbury.                 Windsor.
         Newport-Pagnel.           Royston.                 Thame.                   Wingham  in  Kent.
         Northallerton.            Rumford.                 Thetford.                Witham  in  Essex.
         Northampton.              Ryegate.                 Thorne.                  Wolverhampton.
         Nottingham.                                        Tiverton.                Worcester.
         Northwich.                Sandwich.                Tunbridge.  (*)          Worksop.
         Norwich.                  Saxmundham.              Tuxford.                 Workington.
                                   Sevenoake.  C*>                                   Wooburn.
         Oakingham.                St.  Albans.             Uxbridge.                Woodstock.
         Oxford.                   Sheffield.
                                   Shipston  upon  Stower.   Wakefield.              Yarmouth  in  Norfolk.
         Penrith.                  Shifnal.                 Walsall.                 York.
          (*)  = from  Midsummer  to  Michaelmas
              A  Mail is dispatched from  London to Edinburgh,  and from  Edinburgh to London every Day,  Wednesday and Sunday
          excepted. Also to and from Morpeth, Alnwick, Belford, and Berwick A  Post is likewise established Six Times a Week between
          Edinburgh and Aberdeen, Glasgow, Greenocl\, and other intennediate Towns in Scotland
              Letters are sent from hence on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays for Arundel, Brighthelmstone, Chichester,
          Grayes, Midhurst, Petworth, Steyning, Shoreham and Wisbicb,  and return hither on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and
                                                                          ANTH. TODD, Secretary.

          -- 6 8 0 5  NEWS  (General Post-Office, September 6, 1768)

              His  Majesty's  Postmaster  General  having  been  pleased  to  establish  a  sufficient  Number  of Packet-Boats  to  sail
          between  Falmouth  and  New  York,  Charles  Town,  and  the  West-India  Islands,  to  support  a  regular  Monthly
          Correspondence to and from these Kingdoms and all Parts of his Majesty's extensive Dominions in America.
              PUBLIC NOTICE IS  HEREBY GIVEN, that the several Mails for America, upon this New Arrangement, are to be made
          up at this Office on Wednesday the 5th of October next, and will continue to be dispatched from hence in the same Manner
          upon the first Wednesday in every Month.
              The Mail for New York will  contain the Letters for  all the Provinces  on the Continent of America, from  Virginia
          Northwards. That for  Charles Town will include the Letters for  North and South Carolina, Georgia, and East and West
          Florida, except for Pensacola, the Letters for which Place will be forwarded from Jamaica by every Opportunity. And the
          Mail from the West Indies will contain the Letters for Barbadoes, all the Leeward Islands, and Jamaica, from whence the
          Packet-Boats are, instead of proceeding to Pensacola, to return immediately to Falmouth.
              Upon the Arrival of these several Mails from hence at Falmouth, the Packet-Boats are to proceed with them to Sea
          immediately, Wind and Weather permitting; but if they should be unavoidably detained one or more Days, such Letters as

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