Page 133 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 133


          Notice is hereby given, that this Regulation will commence the 5th of January next, and that all Letters by this Conveyance,
          will, over and above the Inland Rates, be charged Two Pence each Single Letter, for Packet-Postage, and so in Proportion.
                                                                          HEN. POTTS, Secretary.

          -- 6601  NEWS  (General Post-Office, March 8, 1766)
              His Majesty's Postmaster General having been pleased to establish Two additional Packet Boats of 170 Tons Burthen,
          to be navigated  with  20  Men  each,  for  the  Conveyance  of Mails,  Expresses,  and  Passengers  to  Barbadoes,  Grenada,
         Antigua, St.  Christopher's, Jamaica, Pensacola, Charles-Town, and back to Falmouth; as also to establish Three others of
          the same Tonnage, and the like Number of Men, instead of those at present employed in the Service;
              Notice is hereby given, that a Mail will be made up and dispatched from this Office accordingly, on Thursday next the
          13th Instant, being the second Thursday in the Month; and for the future a Mail is intended to be dispatched from hence
          the second Thursday in every Month.
                                                                          HENRY POTTS, Secretary.

          - 6 6 0 2  NEWS  (General Post Office, March 24, 1766)

              Whereas the Post-Boy carrying the Cross Road Mail from Salisbury to Bath and Bristol, was,  on Saturday Morning
          last the 22d Instant, about One or Two o'Clock, attacked and robbed, between Warminster and Westbury, by a Foot-Pad,
          who  took  from  him  the  said  Mail,  in  which  were  contained  the  Letters  from  Portsmouth,  Gosport,  Winchester,
          Southampton, Isle  of Wight,  and  Salisbury; for  Westbury,  Froome, Shipton-Mallet,  Bruton, Wells,  Melksham,  Devizes,
          Trowbridge, Bradford, Bath, and Bristol.
              The Person who committed this Robbery, is described to be about Five Feet high, had on a blue Great Coat, and a
          large Stick or Club in his Hand.
              This  is  therefore  to  give  Notice,  that  whoever  will  discover  and  apprehend,  or  cause  to  be  discovered  and
          apprehended, the Person who committed this Robbery, will, upon Conviction of the Party, be intitled to a Reward of Fifty
                                                                          HENRY POTTS, Secretary.

          -- 6 6 0 3  NEWS  (General Post-Office, June 24, 1766)

              A  Daily  Post,  Sundays  excepted,  will  go  between  London  and  Tunbridge  Wells,  and  between  London  and
          Brighthelmstone, as usual; likewise between Bromley and Sevenoaks, from this Time to Michaelmas next.
                                                                          HEN. POTTS, Secretary.

          -- 6 6 0 4  NEWS  (General Post-Office, December 26, 1766)

              His Majesty's Postmaster General having been pleased, for the Improvement of Correspondence, to order a Post to be
          established three additional Times a Week, to and from Winchester, Southampton, and the Isle of Wight; Notice is hereby
          given, that the same will commence on Monday the 5th of January next.
                                                                          HEN. POTTS, Secretary.

          -- 6701  NEWS  (General Post-Office, June 24, 1767)

              A  daily  Post,  Sundays  excepted,  will  go  between  London  and  Tunbridge  Wells,  and  between  London  and
         Brighthelmstone, as usual; likewise between Bromley and Sevenoaks, from this Time to Michaelmas next.
                                        .                                 HEN. POTTS, Secretary.

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