Page 131 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 131
His Majesty's Post Master General, therefore, gives notice, as a Caution to others, that all Persons hereafter detected
in collecting or delivering Letters contrary to Law, will be prosecuted; and that the Carriers of Letters unsealed, sewed, or
tied up, are equally liable to the said Penalties.
ANTH. TODD, Secretary.
IN Order to prevent the Unwary and ignorant, in this Kingdom, from Incurring the Penalties which the Law inflicts, on
those who Collect, and Deliver Letters, and Packets contrary to Law, it is thought necessary to insert the above
- 6 5 0 4 NEWS (General Post-Office, June 8, 1765)
PUBLICK Notice is hereby given, That by an Act passed -the last Session of Parliament, "For altering certain Rates of
Postage, and for amending, explaining, and enlarging several Provisions in the Act of the Ninth of Queen Anne, and other
Acts relating to the Post-Office;" It is, amongst other Things, Enacted,
That Letters between London and any Port within the British Dominions in America, (in which all His Majesty's West
India Islands are included) shall pay Single One Shilling, Double Two Shillings, Treble Three Shillings, the Ounce Four
That Letters, by Sea, from any one Port to any other Port within the said Dominions, shall pay Single Four Pence,
Double Eight Pence, Treble One Shilling, the Ounce One Shilling and Four Pence.
That Letters, by Land, to or from any Chief Post-Office in America, from or to any other Part thereof not exceeding
Sixty Miles from such Chief Post-Office, or from the Office where such Letters, not passing through a Chief Office, may be
put in, shall pay Single Four Pence, Double Eight Pence, Treble One Shilling, the Ounce One Shilling and Four Pence. And
being upwards of Sixty, and not exceeding One Hundred Miles within the said Dominions, shall pay Single Six Pence,
Double One Shilling, Treble One Shilling and Six Pence, the Ounce Two Shillings. And being upwards of One Hundred,
and not exceeding Two Hundred Miles within the said Dominions, shall pay Single Eight Pence, Double One Shilling and
Four Pence, Treble Two Shillings, the Ounce Two Shillings and Eight Pence. And for every Distance not exceeding One
Hundred Miles above such Two Hundred, and for every such further Distance within the said Dominions, shall pay Single
Two Pence, Double Four Pence, Treble Six Pence, the Ounce Eight Pence.
That no Vessel shall be permitted to break Bulk, or make Entry in any Port within the British Dominions, where Posts
are or may be established, until all Letters on board are delivered to the Postmaster of such Port (he paying the Bringer
One Penny for each Letter) to be forwarded according to their respective Directions, except such as are excepted by the
Act of the Ninth of Queen Anne; and such as may be brought by Vessels liable to Quarentine, which last are to be delivered
to the Persons superintending the Quarentine, for proper Care, before they are forwarded by the Post. And that all
Masters, Mariners, Passengers, &c. neglecting to deliver the Letters as aforesaid, shall, for every Neglect, forfeit Twenty
That the Postmaster shall take for every Letter brought by such Vesse~ for any Place within his Delivery, One Penny,
above the Penny paid to the Master or other Person for the same.
That Letters conveyed in Great Britain and Ireland, not exceeding one Stage, shall pay Single One Penny, Double Two
Pence, Treble Three Pence, the Ounce Four Pence. And in England, above one and not exceeding two Stages, Single Two
Pence, Double Four Pence, Treble Six Pence, the Ounce Eight Pence; but these Rates are not to effect the Penny-Post.
That Letters passing between England and Ireland, through Carlisle, Dumfries, Port Patrick, and Donaghadee, shall pay
the same Rates of English, Scotch, Irish, and Packet Postage, according to the Distance or Number of Stages they are
conveyed in each Kingdom, as are settled by the Act of the Ninth of Queen Anne, or by this Act.
That no Packet exceeding the Weight of Four Ounces shall be sent by the Penny Post; unless coming from, or passing
thereby to the General-Post.
That Letters passing between London and Hamburgh shall pay as Letters between London and all other Parts of
Gennany, viz. Single One Shilling, Double Two Shillings, Treble Three Shillings, the Ounce Four Shillings.
That any Officer of the Post-Office secreting or destroying any Letter, Bag or Mail of Letters, containing any Bank
Note, B~ or other Paper, Writing, or Order for the Payment of Money; or stealing out of any Letter any such Bank Note,
B~ &c. on Conviction, shall suffer Death as a Felon.
That any Person robbing a Mail, in any Place or in any Manner whatsoever, although it may not appear that any one
was put in Fear by such Robbery, shall, on Conviction, suffer Death as a Felon.