Page 130 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 130


             -- 6 4 0 5  NEWS  (General Post-Office, October 9, 1764)

                 A Mail will be dispatched from this Office on Thursday the 8th of November next, being the second Thursday in the
             Month, for his Majesty's Islands in the West Indies, Pensacola, St. Augustine, Savanna, and Charles Town, by the Grenville
             Packet Boat, Capt. Purches, now at Falmouth.
                 The Passage  from London  to the West India Islands  ls. 6d.  a  Single  Letter;  to the whole  Continent of America,
             including Florida, ls. the Double, Treble, and Ounce Letters and Packets, in Proportion; which must be paid upon their
             Delivery into this Office; the Inland Postage to London, from all Places in Great Britain and Ireland, must also be paid over
             and above the said Rates.
                                                                             ANTHONY TODD, Secretary.

             -- 6 4 0 6  NEWS  (General Post Office, November 27, 1764)

                 A Mail will be dispatched from this Office on Thursday the lOth of January next, being the second Thursday in the
             Month, for His Majesty's Islands in the West Indies, Pensacola, St. Augustine, Savanna, and Charles-Town, by the Suffolk
             Packet-Boat, now at Falmouth.                                                                    ·
                 The Postage from London to the West India Islands is  ls. 6d.  a Single Letter; to the whole Continent of America,
             including Florida, ls. the Double, Treble,  and Ounce Letters and Packets in Proportion, which must be paid upon their
             Delivery into this Office; the Inland Postage to London, from all Places in Great Britain and Ireland, must be paid over and
             above the said Rates.
                                                                             ANTH. TODD, Secretary.

             - 6501  NEWS  (General Post-Office, February 12, 1765)
                 A  Mail will be dispatched from  this Office  on Thursday the 14th of March next, being the second Thursday in the
             Month,  for  His Majesty's  Islands  in the West  Indies,  Pensacola,  and  Charles-Town,  by  the Hillsborough  Packet-Boat,
             Captain Grove.
                 The Postage from London to the West India Islands is  ls. 6d.  a Single Letter; to  the whole Continent of America,
             including Florida, ls. the Double, Treble,  and Ounce Letters and Packets in Proportion, which must be paid upon their
             Delivery into this Office; the Inland Postage to London, from all Places in Great Britain and Ireland, must also be paid over
             and above the said Rates.
                                                                             ANTH. TODD, Secretary.

             -- 6 5 0 2  NEWS  (General Post-Office, April 2, 1765)

                 Several Persons  concerned in  the illegal  Collection  and  Delivery  of Letters  and  Packets,  in various  Parts  of the
             Kingdom, have lately been prosecuted, and have paid the Penalties of Five Pounds for  every separate Offence, and One
             Hundred Pounds for every Week such Practice hath been continued.
                 His Majesty's Postmaster-General, therefore, give Notice as a Caution to others, that all Persons hereafter detected in
             collecting or delivering Letters contrary to Law, will be prosecuted; and that the Carriers of Letters unsealed, sewed, or tied
             up, are equally liable to the said Penalties.
                                                                             ANTH. TODD, Secretary.

             -- 6 5 O 3  NEWS  (General Post-Office, Dublin, April 20, 1765)

                 SEVERAL Persons  concerned in the illegal  Collection and Delivery of Letters and  Packets, in various Parts of the
             Kingdom, have lately been prosecuted, and have paid the Penalties of Five Pounds for  every separate Offence, and One
             Hundred Pounds for every Week such Practice hath been continued.

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