Page 129 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
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          signed  on  the  Outside  by  any  Member  of either  House  of the  Parliament  of Great  Britain,  and  whereof  the  whole
          Superscription shall be of his  own Hand-writing, or which shall be directed to a Member of either House,  at any of the
          Places of his usual Residence, or at the Place where he shall actually be at the Time of the Delivery thereof, or at either
          House of Parliament.
              All Letters and Packets, not exceeding the Weight of Two Ounces, sent from and to any Places within Ireland,  during
          the Sitting of Parliament, or within Forty Days before or after any Summons or Prorogation, which shall be signed on the
          Outside by any Member of either House of the Parliament of Ireland, and whereof the whole Superscription shall be of his
          own Hand-writing, or which shall be directed to a Member of either House, from any Part of Great Britain or Ireland, at
          any. of the Places of his usual Residence, or at the Place where he shall actually be at the Time of the Delivery thereof, or at
          either House of Parliament.
              All such Letters  and Packets  as  shall be sent  from  and to  certain  Persons by virtue  of their  Offices,  under  such
          Conditions, Restrictions and Limitations, as in the said Act is particularly expressed.
              It is  likewise Enacted,  That all  printed Votes,  or Proceedings in Parliament, or printed News-Papers,  sent without
          Covers, or in Covers open at the Sides, signed on the Outside thereof, by the Hand of any Member of Parliament, in such
          Manner as hath been heretofore practised; or directed to any Member at any Place whereof he shall have given Notice in
          Writing to the Postmaster-General, or to his Deputy at Edinbwgh or Dublin respectively, shall pass free of Postage.
              And also, That the Clerks in the Offices  of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State,  and certain Officers in  the
          Office of His Majesty's Postmaster-General, may continue to Frank such printed Votes, and Proceedings in Parliament, and
          printed News-Papers, in the Manner they have heretofore been accustomed, provided they be sent without Covers,  or in
          Covers open at the Sides.
              It is fwther Enacted,  That any  Officer employed  under the  Postmaster-General, shall  have Power  to  examine  and
          search any Packet sent without a Cover, or in a Cover open at the Sides, in order to discover whether any other Paper or
         . Thing whatsoever be inclosed or concealed in or with such printed Votes, Proceedings in Parliament, and printed News-
          Papers; and in case any such other Paper or Thing whatsoever, shall be found in or with such printed Paper, or in case
          there shall be any Writing, other than the Superscription upon such printed Paper, or upon the Cover thereof, the whole of
          such Packet shall be charged with the Duty of Postage.
              And it is further Enacted, That if any Person shall, after the First Day of June next, counterfeit the Hand-writing of any
          Person whatsoever in the Superscription of any Letter,  or Packet,  to be sent by the Post,  in order thereby to avoid the
          Payment of the Duty of Postage, every Person so offending, shall be deemed guilty of Felony, and be transported for Seven
              AND WHEREAS many letters directed to Members,  are,  in the huny of Business,  charged with Postage,  chiefly for want
          of the  Wor~, Member of Parliament,  being added to the Superscription, it is therefore desired,  that all Persons c01responding
         with Members,  would make that Addition,  or distinguish  them by M.P. at the Comer; and in  Case  any Letter or Packet,  not
          exceeding the Weight of Two Ounces,  should after every Precaution,  happen to be charged,  all Postmasters are hereby directed,
         immediately to remit the Postage to such Member,  who is desired to return  the Cover,  when it can be conveniently done,  as a
          Voucher to the Postmaster, in passing of his Accounts with this Office
              AND WHEREAS great Numbers of Letters are privately collected and delivered contrary to Law,  to the Prejudice of the
         Revenue of this  Office,  all Carriers,  Coachmen,  Watennen,  Jf'henymen,  Dispersers  of News-Papers,  Higglers,  and all other
         Persons  whatsoever,  hereafter  detected  in  the  illegal  collecting,  conveying,  or  delivering  of Letters,  and Packets,  will  be
         prosecuted with the utmost Severity.  The Penalty is FivE POUNDS for every Letter so collected or delivered contrary to Law, and
          ONE HUNDRED PoUNDs,for every Week such Practice is continued,· one Moiety to his Majesty,  and the other to the Infonner.
                                                                          ANTHONY TODD, Secretary.

          - 6 4 0 4  NEWS  (General Post-Office, June 8, 1764)

              PUBLIC Notice is hereby given, That the Mail, which was to have been made up at this Office, on Thursday next, for
         his Majesty's Islands in the West-Indies, Pensacola, St. Augustine, Savanna, and Charles-Town, will not be dispatched from
         hence until Thursday the Uth of July, as the Hillsborough Packet Boat, being a new Ship, cannot be compleated in Time to
         sail with a Mail of this Month.
                                                                          ANTHONY TODD, Secretary.

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