Page 124 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 124


                That Letters, for the Continent of America, will be forwarded from hence,  on Saturday the 12th of March  next; and
           that a Mail will continue to be regularly dispatched from this Office, as well as from New-York, upon the Second Saturday of
           every Month,  it being no longer necessary that the Packet-boats  should be detained,  on either Side,  on Account of his
           Majesty's Service.
                                                                            ANTH. TODD, Secretary.

           - 6 3 0 3  NEWS  (General Post Office, March 29, 1763)

                Public Notice is hereby given, That a Mail for Corunna in Spain, including the Letters to Oporto, will be forwarded
           from hence on Tuesday the 12th of April next, and will continue to be regularly dispatched from this  Office upon every
           Tuesday, as formerly.
                                                                            ANTH. TODD, Secretary.

           - 6 3 0 4  NEWS  (General Post-Office, April 5, 1763)

               Pu:BLIC Notice is hereby given, That the Mail from France, which used to be dispatched from Paris on Wednesday and
           Saturday, being soon to be changed to Monday and Thursday:  The Mail for France,  after the First  of May next,  will be
           forwarded from this Office every Tuesday and Friday, instead of Monday and Thursday;  so that the Letters to all Parts of
           Europe,  and  to  Turkey,  will thenceforward  be  dispatched  from  this  Office  every  Tuesday  and Friday,  except  those  for
           Portugal, by the Lisbon and Corunna Packet Boats, which will continue to be sent from hence on Tuesdays only.
                The Foreign Department of this Office, when the present Regulation takes Place, will, for the better Accommodation
           of the Public, be open upon Tuesdays and Fridays, from Nine in the Morning to Twelve at Night; and upon all other Days
           (Sundays excepted) from Nine in the Morning to Nine at Night.
               A Table, with the Rates of Postage, as well Foreign as Inland, will be delivered to any Person who may ask for one at
           this Office.
                                                                            ANTH. TODD, Secretary.

           - 6 3 0 5  OTHR  (General Post-Office, London, May 1, 1763)

                                              A TABLE of POsrAGE, in British Pence.

                Between London, and any Place not exceeding 80 English Miles distant, 3d.
                Between London, and any Place above 80 Miles distant, within the Kingdom of England and Town of Berwick, upon

               Between London and Edinburgh, Dumfries, or Cockburnspeth, 6d.
               Between Edinburgh and any Place in Scotland, not exceeding 50 English Miles distant, 2d.
               Between Edinburgh and any Place in Scotland above 50 English Miles distant, and not exceeding 80 Miles, 3d.
               Between Edinburgh and any Place in Scotland, above 80 Miles distant, 4d.
               Between Donaghadee in Ireland, and Port-Patrick in Scotland, for Port of all Letters and Packets (over and above the
           Inland Rates) to be paid at the Place where such Letters or Packets are put in, 2d.

               Between London and Dublin, 6d.
               Between Dublin and any Place in Ireland, not exceeding 40 English Miles distant, 2d.
                Between Dublin and any Place in Ireland, above 40 English Miles distant, 4d.

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