Page 121 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
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          Between  Donachadee  in  Ireland,  and  Port-Patrick  in  Scotland,  for  Port  of  all   Single   Os.  2d.
             Letters  and  Pacquets,  Cover  and  above  the  Inland  Rates)  to  be  paid  at  the   Double   Os.  4d.
             Place  where  such  Letters  or  Pacquets  are  put  in,  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   Treble   Os •  6d.
                                                                                       per  Ounce   Os.  Bd.

          Between  London  and  Dublin,  (and  not  coming  from,  or  directed  on  Board  any   Single   Os.  6d.
             Ship,                                                                         Double   1s.  Od.
             And  proportionably  to  the  said Rates,  for  the Port  of  every  Pacquet  of  Letters,   Treble   1s.  6d.
             And  for  the  Port  of  every  Pacquet  of  Writs,  Deeds,  and  other  Things,  •••••••••••••••  per  Ounce   2s.  Od.
          Between  Dublin  and  any  Place  in  Ireland,  not  exceeding  40  English  Miles  distant,   Single   Os.  2d.
             (Ship-Letters  excepted,  as  aforesaid)                                      Double   Os.  4d.
             And  proportionably  to  the  said  Rates,  for  the  Port  of  every  Pacquet  of  Letters,   Treble   Os.  6d.
            And  for  the  Port  of  every  Pacquet  of  Writs,  Deeds,  and  other  Things,   per  Ounce   Os.  8d.
          Between  Dublin  and  any  Place  in  Ireland  above  40  English  Miles  distant,   Single   Os.  4d.
             (Ship-Letters  excepted,  as  aforesaid)                                      Double   Os.  8d.
             And  proportionably  to  the  said  Rates,  for  the  Port  of  every  Pacquet  of  Letters,   Treble   1s.  Od.
             And  for  the  Port  of  every  Pacquet  of  Writs,  Deeds,  and  other  Things,   per  Ounce   1s.  4d.

          For  the  Port  of  all  and  every  the  Letters  and  Pacquets,  directed  to,  or  brought
             from  on  Board  any  Ship  or  Vessel,  riding  in  any  Port  within  His  Majesty's
             Dominions,  (over  and  above  the  Rates  granted  by  this Act)  ••••••••••••••••••••.••••   Os.  1d.
                                                        CROSS  STAGES.
          For  the  Port  of  all  By  and  Way-Letters  and  Pacquets,  convey'd  by  Post  in  any
             Cross  Stages  whatsoever  within  His  Majesty's  Dominions,  to  pay  the  same
             Rates  in  proportion  to  the  Distances  of  the  Places  to  which  they  are  directed,
             from  the  Places  at  which  they  are  put  in,  as  Letters  convey'd  and  reconvey'd
             to  and  from  London  are  rated  to  pay.

                                                       FOREIGN  LETTERS.
          From  any  Part  of  Holland,  France,  or  Flanders,  to  London,  and  to  or  from  London   Single   Os.  10d.
             to  Hamburgh.                                                                 Double   1s.  8d.
                                                                                           Treble   2s.  6d.
                                                                                           Ounce   3s.  4d.
          To,  or  from,  London  and  any  Part  of  Spain  or  Portugal  through  France,  or  by   Single   1s.  6d.
             Pacquet-Boats.                                                                Double   3s.  Od.
                                                                                           Treble   4s.  6d.
                                                                                           Ounce   6s.  Od.
          To,  or  from,  London  and  any  Part  of  Italy,  Sicily,  Turkey,  Switzerland,  (except   Single   1s.  3d.
             Geneva)  Alsace,  and  Port-Mahon;  and  the  Towns  of  Nancy,  Barliduc  and   Double   2s.  6d.
             Luneville  in  Lorraine  through  France,                                     Treble   3s.  9d.
                                                                                           Ounce   5s.  Od.
          To,  or  from,  London  and  any  Part  of  Italy,  Sicily,  Germany,  Switzerland,  Denmark,   Single   1s.  Od.
            Sweden,  Russia,  and  all  Parts  of  the  North,  through  Holland  or  Flanders,   Double   2s.  Od.
                                                                                           Treble   3s.  Od.
                                                                                           Ounce   4s.  Od.
          N.  B.  All  Letters,  &c.  from  any  Part  of  Great  Britain  or  Ireland  for  any  of  the  aforementioned  Places,  are  also  to  pay
            the  Inland  Port  to  London.
          All  Merchants  Accounts,  not  exceeding  one  Sheet  of  Paper,  and  all  Bills  of  Exchange,  Invoices,  and  Bills  of  Lading,  to
            or  from  any  of  the  above  foreign  Parts  or  Places,  and  the  Covers  of  Letters  to  or  from  Turkey,  not  exceeding  one
            quarter  of  a  Sheet  of  Paper,  are  to  pass  without  Payment  of  the  aforesaid  Rates.

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