Page 119 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 119


          -- 6 2 0 4  NEWS  (General Post Office, March 13, 1762)

              Whereas the Post Boy bringing the Mail between Newcastle and Durham, on Friday the 26th of February last, had the
          Misfortune to overturn his Mail Carriage in Birtley Lane, between the Hours of Ten and Eleven o'Clock at Night;  and
          during the Time of his Absence in seeking Assistance to get up the said Carriage, he found upon his Return to the Place,
          where the Accident happened, that the Newcastle Bag (containing the Berwick, Belford, Alnwick and Morpeth Bags, with the
          Bye-Bag from the North for Bun-oughbridge) was taken away from the said Carriage, by a Person or Persons unknown; and
          notwithstanding all possible Search and Inquiry has been made after the said Bag, and a Reward offered for restoring it to
          either the Post-master of Newcastle or Durham, the same is still missing; This is therefore to give Notice, that whoever will
          discover and apprehend, or cause to be discovered and apprehended, the Person or Persons who stole and carried off the
          said large Leathern Bag, containing the several Bags before-mentioned, such Discoverer will, upon Conviction of the Party
          or Parties, be intitled to a Reward of Fifty Pounds.
                                                                            HEN. POTTS, Secretary.

          - 6 2 0 S  NEWS  (General Post Office, June 28, 1762)

              These are to give Notice, that the Post will go every Night (Sunday's excepted) from London to Tunbridge Wells; and
          from Tunbridge Wells to London; to begin on Monday next the 5th of July, and to continue, during the Summer Season, as
                                                                             HEN. POTTS, Secretary.

          -- 6 2 0 6  NEWS  (General Post-Office, July 26, 1762)

              WHEREAS  the Post-Boy bringing the Mail from Bath, was  on  the 22d Inst. between the Hours of Ten and Eleven
          o'Clock at Night, attacked in his Way to Petty France in Gloucestershire, and robbed by Three Footpads, in Sailors' Habits,
          of the  Mail;  containing the following  Bags,  viz.  the Bag  from  Bath  for  London,  and  also  the Bye-Bags  from  Bath  for
          Cirencester,  Tedbury, Farringdon, and Oxford.
              This is  to give  Notice, That whoever shall apprehend and convict,  or cause  to be apprehended  and convicted,  the
          Persons concerned in committing the said Robbery (of whom no particular Descriptions are as yet come to Hand) will be
          entitled to a Reward of Two HUNDRED POUNDS, over and above the Reward given by Act of Parliament: Or if any Person
          or Persons, whether an Accomplice in the said Robbery,  or knowing thereof, shall make Discovery, whereby any of the
          Persons concerned in the same may be apprehended and brought to Justice, such Discoverer or Discoverers shall, upon
          Conviction of any of the Parties, be entitled to the same Reward of Two HUNDRED POUNDS,  and also have his Majesty's
          most Gracious Pardon.
                                                                            HENRY POTTS, Secretary.

          - 6 2 0 7  NEWS  (General Post Office, October 29, 1762)

              Publick Notice is hereby given to all Persons corresponding with the Havannah, That Letters, for the future, will be
          regularly forwarded to that Place by the West India Mails.
              And that such Letters will accordingly be dispatched from this Office on Saturday the 6th of November next.
                                                                            HEN. POTTS, Secretary.

          -6 2 0 8  NEWS  (General Post Office, November 30, 1762)

              Publick Notice  is  hereby given,  That the Correspondence by Letters, between this  Kingdom  and  the Kingdom  of
          France, is now opened, and that the first Mail, for the said Kingdom of France, will be made up and forwarded from this
          Office, upon Monday next the 6th of December.

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