Page 120 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 120


                And further Notice is hereby given, That the said Mails, for the Kingdom of France, will continue, for the Future, to
            go  out from hence upon the Mondays and Thursdays of every Week; and that they will convey any Letters to  and from
            Spain, Italy, Sicily, Switzerland, Turkey, and His Majesty's Island of Minorca, as usual in former Times of Peace.
                                                                             ANTH. TODD, Secretary.

            -- 6 2 0 9  NEWS  (General Post Office, December 7, 1762)

                Publick Notice  is hereby given,  that the Preliminary Articles of Peace, between  Great Britain,  France, and Spain,
            being now signed and ratified, no Passports, for the Future, will be required, of Persons either going or coming, in any of
            His Majesty's Packet Boats whatsoever.
                                                                             ANTHONY TODD, Secretary.

            -- 6 210  OTHR  (General Post-Office, December 8, 1762)

            A TABLE of the Port of all Letters and Pacquets establish'd by Act of Parliament in the Ninth Year of the Reign of her late
            Majesty Queen  Anne, EntituledAn ACT for Establishing a General Post-Office for all Her Majesty's Dominions.
                                                           In  ENGLAND.

                                 For  every  Letter,  Piece  of  Paper  or  Pacquet,  the  Rates  following;  viz.
            BETWEEN  London  and  any  Place  not  exceeding  80  English  Miles  distant,   Single   Os.  3d.
              (and  not  coming  from,  or  directed  on  Board  any  Ship)                  Double   Os.  6d.
              And  proportionably  to  the  said  Rates,  for  the  Port  of  every  Pacquet  of  Letters,   Treble   Os.  9d.
              And  for  the  Port  of  every  Pacquet  of  Writs,  Deeds,  and  other  Things,  •••••••••.•••••  per  Ounce   1s.  Od.
            Between  London  and  any  Place  above  80  Miles  distant,  within  the  Kingdom  of   Single   Os.  4d.
              England  and  Town  of  Berwick  upon  Tweed  (Ship  Letters  excepted,  as  aforesaid)   Double   Os.  8d.
              And  proportionably  to  the  said  Rates  for  every  Pacquet  of  letters,   Treble   1s.  Od.
              And  for  every  Pacquet  of  Writs,  Deeds,  and  other  Things,  •••••••••••••••••••••••••••  per  Ounce   1s.  4d.

            For  the  Port  of  all  and  every  the  Letters  and  Pacquets,  Passing  or  Repassing  by
              the  Penny-Post  within  the  Cities  of  London  and  Westminster,  and  Borough  of  Southwark,
              and  within  ten  English  Miles  distant  from  London,  •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••   Os.  1d.
            Between  London  and  Edinburgh,  Dumfries,  or  Cockburnspeth,  (and  not  coming  from   Single   Os.  6d.
              or  directed  on  Board  any  Ship)                                            Double   1s.  Od.
              And  proportionably  to  the  said  Rates  for  the  Port  of  every  Pacquet  of  Letters   Treble   1s.  6d.
              And  for  the  Port  of  every  Pacquet  of  Writs,  Deeds,  and  other  Things,  •••••••••••••••  per  Ounce   2s.  Od.
            Between  Edinburgh  and  any  Place  in Scotland  not  exceeding  50  English  Miles   Single   Os.  2d.
              distant  (and  not  coming  from,  or  directed  on  Board  any  Ship)         Double   Os.  4d.
              And  proportionably  to  the  said  Rates  for  the  Port  of  every  Pacquet  of  letters   Treble   Os.  6d.
              And  for  the  Port  of  every  Pacquet  of  Writs,  Deeds,  and  other  Things,  •••••••••••••••  per  Ounce   Os.  8d.
            Between  Edinburgh  and  any  Place  in  Scotland  above  50  English  Miles  distant,  and   Single   Os.  3d.
              not  exceeding  80  Miles,  (Ship-Letters  excepted,  as  aforesaid)           Double   Os.  6d.
              And  proportionably  to  the  said  Rates  for  every  Pacquet  of  letters,   Treble   Os.  9d.
              And  for  the Port  of  every  Pacquet  of  Writs,  Deeds,  and  other  Things,   per  Ounce   1s.  Od.
            Between  Edinburgh  and  any  Place  in  Scotland  above  80  English  Miles  distant,   Single   Os.  4d.
              (Ship-Letters  excepted,  as  aforesaid)                                       Double   Os.  8d.
              And  proportionably  to  the  said  Rates  for  the  Port  of  every  Pacquet  of  letters,   Treble   1s.  Od.
              And  for  the  Port  of  every  Pacquet  of  Writs,  Deeds,  and  other  Things,  •••••••••••••••  per  Ounce   1s.  4d.

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