Page 118 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
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          Correspondence with Northampton,  Harborough,  Leicester, Loughborough, Deroy,  and Nottingham,  considerably quickened
          and improved.
               And also a new Cross Road Branch betwixt Salisbury,  Portsmouth,  and Gosport,  through Stockbridge  and Winchester,
          by which  the  Correspondence of Portsmouth,  Gosport,  Winchester,  Southampton,  and  the Isle  of Wight,  with Plymouth,
          Exeter,  and all Parts of Comwal~ Devonshire, and Dorsetshire, as well as with Bristo~ Bath,  Devizes,  Melksham,  Bradford,
          Trowbridge, and Salisbury, will be considerably quickened and improved.
              And having also been pleased to order,  that the Mail betwixt Chesterfield  and Manchester,  shall for the future pass
          from Tidswell thro' Buxton, to Stockport, instead of passing thro' Chapple in Frith, as it does at present;
               Public Notice  is  hereby  given,  That  these  several  additional  Conveyances,  Improvements,  and  Regulations,  will
          commence on Monday the 6th of July next.
              And whereas great Numbers of Letters have hitherto been privately collected and delivered as well in these as in other
          Parts of the Kingdom, contrary to Law, to the great Prejudice of the Revenue of the Post Office; Notice is likewise hereby
          given that  all  Carriers,  Coachmen,  Watermen, Wherrymen,  Dispersers of Country News-Papers,  and  all  other Persons
          whatsoever,  hereafter  detected  in the illegal  collecting,  conveying,  or delivering  of Letters, will be prosecuted with  the
          utmost Severity.
               N.  B.  The Penalty is FIVE  POUNDS for  every Letter collected or delivered contrary to Law;  and ONE HUNDRED
          POUNDS for every Week this Practice is continued.                                                ·
                                                                             HENRY POTIS, Secretary.

          -- 61 0 3  NEWS  (General Post Office, July 1, 1761)
               Notice is hereby given,  that the Post will go every Night (Sundays excepted) from London to Tunbridge Wells, and
          from Tunbridge Wells to London, to begin on Monday next the 6th Instant, and continue during the Summer Season, as
                                                                             HENRY POTIS, Secretary.

          -- 6 2 0 1  NEWS  (General Post Office, January 1, 1762)

               Publick  Notice  is  hereby  given  to  all  whom  it  may  concern,  that  a  Mail  for  the  Corunna,  will be  made  up  and
          dispatched from hence on Tuesday next the 5th Instant; but that no more Packet Boats, after that Time, will be permitted
          to sail for the Corunna.
                                                                             HEN. POTIS, Secretary.

          -- 6 2 0 2  NEWS  (General Post Office, January 15, 1762)

               Publick Notice is hereby given to all Merchants, and others, corresponding with any Parts of the Kingdom of Spain,
          that no more Letters will be received, or forwarded from hence, directed to any Part of that Kingdom, during the present
                                                                             HEN. POTIS, Secretary.

          -- 6 2 0 3  NEWS  (General Post Office, London, February 5, 1762)

               Publick Notice is hereby given to all Persons corresponding with His Majesty's Island of Bellisle, that Letters, for the
          Future, will be regularly forwarded, from Plymouth, to and from that Island, by two Vessels lately hired and appointed for
          that Purpose.
                                                                             HEN. POTIS, Secretary.

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