Page 122 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 122


           The  Departure  of  the  Foreign  Mails  from,  and  Arrival  at  London.
                                   Depart  to                            Arrive,  Wind  permitting.
                               France,  Mondays  and  Thursdays.          Mondays  and  Wednesdays.
                               Holland,  Tuesdays  and  Fridays.          Mondays  and  Fridays.
                               Flanders,  Tuesdays  and  Fridays.         Mondays  and  Fridays.
                               Portugal,  every Tuesday.                  Uncertain.
                               Spain,  every  other  Tuesday.             Uncertain.
                                               Directions  to  the  DEPUTY-POSTMASTERS.
           YOU  are  to  take  notice,  That  no  Letters  ought  to  be  received  by  you,  directed  unto  any  Parts  beyond  the  Seas,  unless
           the  full  Port  of  the  same  unto  London  be  paid,  and  also  the  Port  that  must  be  paid  from  the  Inland  Post-Office  to  the
           Foreign  Post-Office,  according  to  the Rates  hereafter mentioned:  viz.
           For  all  Letters  and  Pacquets  to  any  Part  of  Spain  or  Portugal,        Single   1s.  6d.
                                                                                            Double   3s.  Od.
                                                                                            Treble   4s.  6d.
                                                                                        per  Ounce   6s.  Od.
           For  all  Letters  and  Pacquets  to  any  Part  of  Italy,  Sicily,  Turkey,  Switzerland,   Single   1s.  3d.
              (except  Geneva)  Alsace,  Port-Mahon,  and  the  Towns  of  Nancy,  Barliduc,  and   Double   2s.  6d.
             Luneville  in  Lorraine,  through  France,  •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••   Treble   3s.  9d.
                                                                                        per  Ounce   5s.  Od.
           For  all  Letters  and  Pacquets  to  any  Part  of  Italy,  Sicily,  Germany,  Switzerland,   Single   1s.  Od.
             Dervnark,  Sweden,  Russia,  and  all  Parts  of  the  North,  through  Holland  or   Double   2s.  Od.
             Flanders,  ••.••••••••••••.•..•••.•••••••••••••••••.•••.•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••   Treble   3s.  Od.
                                                                                        per  Ounce   4s.  Od.
           For  all  Letters  and  Pacquets  to  Hamburgh,  •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••   Single   Os.  10d.
                                                                                            Double   1s.  8d.
                                                                                            Treble   2s.  6d.
                                                                                        per  Ounce   3s.  4d.
           But  you  are  to  take  no  Foreign  Port  for  any  Letters  or  Pacquets  to  France,
             Flanders  or  Holland,  but  only  the  full  Inland  Postage  to  London.
           For  every  Letter  and  Pacquet  directed  to  Persons  on  Board  Ships  in  any  Port
             or  Harbour  in  Great  Britain  or  Ireland,  you  are  (over  and  above  the  Postage
             due  for  the  same  to  London  and  forwards)  to  receive  one  Penny,  •••••••••••••••••••••   Os.  1d.

               THAT all Inland Letters and Pacquets shall pay the Rates abovementioned at the Place they are last deliver'd, unless
           the Party that puts them in desireth to pay it,  and unless they are directed on Board any Ship  (or are sent by the Penny-
           Post;) and unless they be Letters and Pacquets going out of Great Britain, which have usually paid the Rates in England.
               That the Postmaster-General, and his Deputies, shall receive of every Person that they shall furnish with Horses and
           Furniture, or with Horses, Furniture and Guide, to ride Post in any of the Post-Roads of Great Britain  or Ireland, Three-
           pence British Money, for each Horse-hire for every English Mile, and Four-pence for the Guide of every Stage; but shall not
           charge any Person riding Post for the carrying any Bundle or Parcel along with him, so as the same exceed not the Weight
           of eighty PoundsAverdupois, to  be laid on the Horse rid by the Guide: And no Deputy is oblig'd to carry above that Weight
           for any Person riding Post.
               That if any Deputy-Postmaster in any of His Majesty's Dominions doth not, or cannot furnish any Person riding Post
           with sufficient Horses, within the Space of half an Hour after Demand, such Person is left at liberty to provide himself as
           well as he can to the next Stage, and so at every Stage where he shall not be furnished. And the Person who shall furnish
           such Horses shall not be liable to any Penalty contained in the said Act, by Reason thereof.
               But if through Default or Neglect of the Deputy-Postmaster, the Person riding Post shall fail of being furnished with
           sufficient Horses, after Demand as aforesaid, then the Deputy-Postmaster so offending shall in every such Case forfeit five
           Pounds, one Moiety to the King, and the other to the Person who shall sue for the same.
               That for the Encouragement of Masters of Ships,  and other Persons on board Ships, on their Arrival at any Port, to
           deliver to the Deputy-Postmaster at such Port-Town all such Letters and Pacquets as they have  on Board, The Deputy-

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